With support from Clair & Teralyn Blackburn of Tonopah, V.V.P. along with other paranormal team members (mostly from Las Vegas) were hosted and guided around this historical desert town in the high desert of Nevada. We had Mike Figoli from Paranormal Trackers of Colorado (PTOC) who traveled a long way. John Castronova and Kris from G.A.R.P. Paranormal Phenomena Investigators of Las Vegas(if there was anyone I missed I'm sorry as there were a lot of people & I was too busy to talk to everyone.) Tonopah originally started up as a gold and silver mining town in the early 1900's. The network of mine tunnels is so long that if you could line them all up they would be long enough to reach San Francisco from Tonopah.
On Friday night investigations were done at the old town cemetery which was very dark at night & one had to be very careful not to trip over plot markers and rocks. During Saturday morning members from various members rallied together in a cemetery clean-up repairing grave markers, fencing and trash removal. This was the first time for me in the United States to see real wooden headstones which I am sure were commonly used in the wild west. The teams were treated to a visit to the Arthur Raycraft house, built in 1906 as known as "The Castle", the local Central Nevada Museum, Tonopah Army Air Field where over one hundred air men lost their lives in accidents, the adoring Mizpah Hotel built in 1905; and lastly finishing off the tour with a visit to Tonopah Historic Mining Park where we could see the mine workings of yesteryear. A delicious BBQ was headed up by director Barrie.
A series of investigations began that nite including two residentials, the Raycraft house, and a supposedly haunted motel room. With a wide array of investigators & an equally varying amount of experience & gear, paranormal investigators hit the town on Saturday night. Many of us were wearing black which made it look like a techy goth convention. I gained some interest from the locals and police when I set up my tripod for some night shots of the Mizpah Hotel on the main street sidewalk across from the hotel.

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